Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hello everyone:

Today I'm going to talk about one particular job that I would like to have, at least once in my life.  Since I was a kid I always loved football and also was my dream to be a professional football player, but now that I am older and study sociology, I realized that maybe I could be part of a profesional football team in the future, but in a different way, as a couch.  Couches have the difficult and enterteining job of working with people, same as social scientists, so thats why I found this proffesion interesting when I started to study this carrer.  I think that couches are unique persons, because of one especial reason: they have to be sufficiently skilled to coordinate a group of eleven guys or women inside a field, who are going to chase a ball for ninety minutes, what is not an easy job and imply a lot of responsabilities. This are some of the reasons why I would like to have a job as a couch, and also why I have on my plans to study that carreer after I finish sociology. My idea is to go abroad Chile and ideally find a place with a big football tradition where I could study this proffesion seriuosly, I don't know, like England or Spain maybe, countries where I also could start with certain kind of advantage in front of chilean couches.

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