Thursday, October 6, 2016

Heeey everybody!

Today I will talk about a very hilarius prezzie that my brother gave me two years ago at Christmas. I remember that we were gathered in the patio my family and I having a great time, waiting for the time to exchange presents, when suddenly my brother, who until that night had never given a single present to me, took out a bag with a lot of wrapped prezzies and started to share out them to everybody.  In my particular case, I recieved a small bag with two things inside: another bag and a covered rectangle. The bag contained a lot of banana candies, but I didn't know what the other package was, until I finally decided to open it. I was surprised, that rectangle was actually a frame of a picture, and the picture was unique as far.  My brother gave me a photo of Nicolas Cage wearing a Christmas hat, that he designed and edited himself! Well, maybe that's not the best present that I've ever recieved but the funniest and most creative,  though, and I still laugh when I remember it.

Thank you for reading, hope you liked my brief history!

Regards, Gonzalo.


  1. Oh, is a gift very creative! Hahaha. I hope that you have the picture in your habitation. And for finish, I have a doubt, Nicolas Cage in the picture appear handsome or ugly? Hahaha.

  2. Is a very strange gift, but I like the idea is original.
