Thursday, November 10, 2016

Hi everyone

Today I'm going to talk about a musical group that could be my favourite if I had to choose one, this group is named Cultura Profetica.  I started to listen them when I was sixteen approximately because of one song that my brother show to me and I loved instantly, the song was "Inspiracion" pertaining to the album "Diario".

Cultura Profetica is a Puerto Rico group that play reggae music,  I like a lot this type of  music but I don't consider myself a fan, even when I listen other reggae artists like Los cafres, Dread Mar I and Natiruts.  One thing that I love about this group is their composition quality, all of his songs have a great combination of instruments that  make them sound beautifully harmonious.  Also, other thing that I like about Cultura is their lyrics, most of them are fully of contens, and when they aren't atleast have an incredible rhythm.  I can't choose only one favourite song because a like them all, but for me some of the best are "De antes", "Verso Terso", "La complicidad", "Le da igual", "Inspiracion" and "Para estar".  I really love this group because all their songs makes me feel something, and that's what I think is the principal objetive of music.

I have already seen Cultura Profetica two times and this year I will see them one more time at november 24th in the movistar aren; or that's what I hope because the day after the concert I have a theory III test :(

Thank you for reading, regards!


  1. It's cool to have an artist that makes feel something inside and It's sucks that you have a test the day next to the concert haha

  2. The last years I went to watch Nofx a day before the last test of statistics, all is possible hahah also you in theory have great mark.

  3. Cultura! Is a great group!! I also like that group very much, they have very good songs, in fact this is fixed in my playlist!
