Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hello everybody:

Today I supposed to write about someone who I admire, but I'm not going to do that.  The problem here is that when I tried to think about someone who I admire my mind was spaced out, this doesn't mean that I don't admire anyone, but in this moment I just don't know who is like my "idol" or something like that.  So for that reason, today I'm going to talk about a mexican economist called Enrique Leff, who has developed the concept of "enviromental racionality" one of the principal ideas inside the "enviromental epistemology" .  I can't say that I admire this guy because sincerely I don't know very much about him, but I have been reading part of his work the past two weeks and I really liked his postulates.  Leff say that we have to reformulate all sciences with this "enviromental racionality" as a background, he think that all the enviromental problems of the world today have been caused by the political domination of the economist utilitary logic inside all sciences.  I was absolutely impressed when I read this because some of the ideas contained there were the same that I though time ago.  I don't know if I admire Enrique Leff but I'm sure that he is an incredible intellectual who has worked in places where I would like to work in the future like the ONU, and also he defines himself as an "enviromental sociologist" which is awesome. 

Thank you for reading, regards!


  1. He sounds very interesting :o maybe you should send my some papers or books about him c:

  2. I don't this author but after I read your post I think that have good ideas and methods for lead the pollution.

  3. Gonzalo is a good idea work about environmental rationality for epistemology class!
