Thursday, October 27, 2016

Hello everyone:

Today I'm going to talk about one particular job that I would like to have, at least once in my life.  Since I was a kid I always loved football and also was my dream to be a professional football player, but now that I am older and study sociology, I realized that maybe I could be part of a profesional football team in the future, but in a different way, as a couch.  Couches have the difficult and enterteining job of working with people, same as social scientists, so thats why I found this proffesion interesting when I started to study this carrer.  I think that couches are unique persons, because of one especial reason: they have to be sufficiently skilled to coordinate a group of eleven guys or women inside a field, who are going to chase a ball for ninety minutes, what is not an easy job and imply a lot of responsabilities. This are some of the reasons why I would like to have a job as a couch, and also why I have on my plans to study that carreer after I finish sociology. My idea is to go abroad Chile and ideally find a place with a big football tradition where I could study this proffesion seriuosly, I don't know, like England or Spain maybe, countries where I also could start with certain kind of advantage in front of chilean couches.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Hello people, today I'm going to write about something that personally I don't like very much, I will talk about reading.  I know it is kind of weird that someone who's studying sociology (me) doesn't like to read, because this career demands to do it over and over again, but you have to believe me when I say that I just don't like it.  I wanted to explain this because I don't read on my free time, so at this moment I am not reading anything apart from my academic obligations.  This doesn't mean that I don't read at all, I read a lot of things, but only those that are absolutely necessary. For example, in the past two weeks I have been reading about epistemologic schools of thought for the epistemology subject, because this sunday I have to send an essay talking about two of this schools, neopositivism and phenomenology.  It's also very funny because I love to learn this kind of things, I consider to acquire knowledge one of the most incredible things in the world, but even so I hate the act of stay alone just looking a peace of paper, instead of doing anything else, like spending time with family and friends or maybe doing sports, It makes me feel like reading is a waste of time (I know it is not, but that's what I feel when I do it).          

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Heeey everybody!

Today I will talk about a very hilarius prezzie that my brother gave me two years ago at Christmas. I remember that we were gathered in the patio my family and I having a great time, waiting for the time to exchange presents, when suddenly my brother, who until that night had never given a single present to me, took out a bag with a lot of wrapped prezzies and started to share out them to everybody.  In my particular case, I recieved a small bag with two things inside: another bag and a covered rectangle. The bag contained a lot of banana candies, but I didn't know what the other package was, until I finally decided to open it. I was surprised, that rectangle was actually a frame of a picture, and the picture was unique as far.  My brother gave me a photo of Nicolas Cage wearing a Christmas hat, that he designed and edited himself! Well, maybe that's not the best present that I've ever recieved but the funniest and most creative,  though, and I still laugh when I remember it.

Thank you for reading, hope you liked my brief history!

Regards, Gonzalo.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Today I'm going to talk about a place that I would like to visit before I die, this is the city of Manchester.  One of the most important objectives in my life is to reach professional studies abroad, so for me traveling is essential.  In my particular case, Manchester means the city of football and for that reason I'd like to stay there a year minimum to study something related with football, coaching maybe.  This could sound a little weird but I think that football is absolutely connected with sociology because I believe that what happens inside the field says a lot about the kind of human interactions that all of us can have in our common life. Also, I have to mention that Manchester is not just a city with an enormous football tradicion, it has one of the biggest industrial history, what's not irrelevant at all, to someone (me) who wants to find the connection between football and sociology.

Thanks for reading, regards!