Thursday, September 22, 2016

Allergy sucks:

Today I'm going to talk about the annoying and inopportune allergy.  I' am one of those kind of persons that are horribly allergic of everything, well maybe not everything but almost.  If you are allergic like me, you will understand how does it feel when the winter it's nearly ending and spring begin to get closer and closer, so your nose start to sting and there's nothing you can do to remedy it, unless you have been taking medication periodically, what's not 100% effective ever.  For example, I'am used to taking one pill of "desloratadina" every day but unfortunately it doesn't help me too much, so the most reasonable solution that I've found was to gave me up and just live with the allergic in my life.  This have been so hard for me because of my love for dogs and cats or even the nature, I can't stay nearly any o of them without having my nose and my eyes suffering horribly.  If I had the chance to make a wish, I would probably ask to eliminate all the allergics of the world or maybe just eliminate my allergy to cats and dogs hair and also to the grass.  Taking this in mind, if your aren't allergic to anything please enjoy the lucky your are.

Thanks for reading! Regards!



  1. I am so allergic too! So I understand that horrible moment when you can stop sneeze or you can´t touch your pets. Is very sad. The desloratadina doesn´t help me too but exist others medications, more expensive :(

  2. I understand you too. There are treatments with homeopathy which considerably reduce the symptoms and are less harmful ;)
